We have had chickens for a few years now and have let them free range around the property. Early on it was nice, they did their thing and ate lots of bugs and ticks around the yard. At night they would sleep in the barn roosted above the horses. No one seemed to mind in the barnyard. But, the amount of mess they make is crazy! They are very curious and get into everything; most importantly and frustratingly - we are not able to find their eggs all the time. Why feed and keep them if they are not providing us with eggs?
Needless to say, after being allowed free run of the yard - they will not do well being cooped up so these chickens (minus Ben's favorite) will be going to freezer camp this fall. Even though we didn't get a large amount of eggs, they will serve their purpose by being a tasty chicken dinner!
Earlier this summer, we decided to get more chickens; specific breeds that are good meat birds and good layers. We also thought ducks would be fun (ha! what did we know, but they are so cute) and got 11 Buff Cascade Ducks. Overall I think we have 37 chickens in addition to the ducks. We will not make the same mistake and let them have the run of the barn. They will be warm and cozy in their new coop and laying eggs in one area!
The boys have been working hard constructing the coop out of an old shed and installing the fencing around it. They really took this project on by themselves, came up with the plan, figured out what materials and tools they needed and got moving on it!

All three of the boys installed the fencing, Alex made the feeders, and Evan and Ben worked on getting the walls insulated and the inside structure built. We are very happy with their work; it is great that they can accomplish these things with only a little help.

So, very soon our chickens and ducks will move to their new home. I am most excited about having them in one place, actually being able to find the eggs, and less mess in the barn. I think maybe the horses will be happier without all the squawking and feathers! Ha!
Stay tuned later this year or early next year for eggs - both chicken and duck eggs. For as many birds as we have now, we should get enough to sell in the shop - as long as I can find them!
