Elderberry Syrup
Elderberry Syrup
2/3 cup dried organic elderberries
3 1/2 cups water
1 tsp dried cinnamon (optional)
1/2 tsp dried ginger or 1 inch knob of fresh ginger (optional)
1/2 - 1 cup raw honey (depending on taste)
In a sturdy saucepan add all the ingredients and bring to a boil.
Reduce heat to simmer.
Simmer until liquid is reduced by half.
Cool slightly until you are able to handle it.
Strain liquid from the berries and press through a sieve to get all the juice out.
Cool until lukewarm and add the raw honey to taste.
Mix well and store in a glass canning jar or other container in the fridge for up to 1 month.
Elderberries have been proven to be helpful during the "cold and flu" season due to its powerful immune boosting properties.
Studies have shown that it can shorten the duration of cold and flu.
Additionally, studies have shown that the flavanoids in the extract of the elderberry can bind to certain flu viruses and help rid your body of them.
To use the syrup: 1 tsp for children 2 and up and 1 tbsp for older children and adults, daily.
As always: contact your healthcare provider before starting a new health regimen. This information is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
Sources: draxe.com